November 2020 Fasting and Prayer Message — Saturday PM

This is a write up of the message from the November 2020 fasting and prayer weekend led by Pastor Praveen and held at our church. We had four sessions, Friday morning and evening and Saturday morning and evening (posted here). During our fasting and prayer sessions, it is usual for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through Pastor Praveen. Sometimes, he shares insights into the scripture that the Holy Spirit provides to him through revelation. 

Pastor Praveen’s Message – What Do You Have in Your Hand?

God Gave You Something in Your Hand

Pastor Praveen continued the message he began Friday evening. God is asking, “What do you have in your hand?” God did not call us with an empty hand. When He called us, He had already given us something in our hand. We don’t realize it because we focus on what we do not have. This is a big mistake. We think, “If I only had this or that, then I could make it.” This is wrong. Nothing is impossible with God. He is always asking, “What is in your hand? Put it to work. I will do the miracle. I am the miracle working God. You will see my glory.”

When Pastor Praveen was in Saudi Arabia, God spoke to him this word: “Believe me. I am Jesus.” That word is in Pastor Praveen’s hand, in his life. He is always holding that word. It gives him great power and strength wherever he goes. Whatever he may face, or whatever the enemy plans against him, he does not care. The One who called him, the Creator of the world, already crushed the enemy’s head. Pastor Praveen does not focus on the enemy. He holds onto the word he heard from the Lord, “Believe me. I am Jesus.” 

Likewise, God has given us all something in our hands. The people asked Peter, “Brothers, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). He answered, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” This means, the Holy Spirit is in you. Why don’t you work with that? You are born in His Spirit and washed by His blood. The Holy Spirit is a chain breaker, a miracle worker. He is the one who divided the Jordan, who destroyed Jericho. He is in you. His Spirit is in you. 

When you repented and were baptized, God gave you a gift. Hold it. Use it. Yesterday we heard that David took smooth stones from the streams of water (1 Samuel 17:40) – which stands for living water. God’s revelation from this is that He is always using those who are in Spirit and are faithful. Stephen was like this. The bible says he “was full of faith and the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 6:5). Barnabas also was a man “full of the Holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24). God used them both mightily. What did they have? The fullness of the Holy Spirit and faith. 

What You Have in Your Hand Is Enough

If David could kill the giant and rescue the Israelites with a smooth stone, why don’t we go forward with what we have in our hands? David killed the giant with a first level anointing, such as we have.

Moses had a staff in his hand. When he gave it to God, God used it to do miracles (Exodus 4:2-4). Moses’ staff was a victorious staff. What are you holding in your hand, but not believing? Give it to God. He will pour out His Spirit. 

We are always looking for large-scale provisions, large doors to walk through. “I need this much money to start a business.” “I need a big job.” “I need a mega church.” Maybe you can start with one or two families and God will increase the members to thousands of people. 

Whatever you have in your hand, give it to God. He will increase it and you will be prosperous and successful – like Joshua. God told Joshua to meditate on His word day and night (Joshua 1:8). He also told him “do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:7). 

God Uses Ordinary People

During the past few weeks, we heard Pastor Tim preaching on the book of Judges. Pastor Praveen reminded us of Ehud (Judges 3:31). He was not an important man, but he played an important role in Israel. Likewise, Stephen and Philip performed many miracles, signs, and wonders in the time of the early church (Acts 6:8; Acts 8:6, 13), but no one knows what miracles they did. They were not important people, but God worked many miracles through them. God is always choosing lowly people for His purpose. God chooses a zero and makes a hero. He makes ordinary men and women into supermen and superwomen because our God is a super star. 

Ehud, a left-handed man, killed the king of Moab, who had oppressed Israel for 18 years. After that, Israel had peace for 80 years (Judges 3:12-30). In the same way, if people turn to the Lord, God will give to them abundantly regardless of how long they may have suffered until then. He will bless them and use them beyond their imagination. Just forget about your past struggles. 

The next judge after Ehud was Shamgar, an ordinary farmer. Who would care about him? Yet, he used an oxgoad to kill six hundred Philistines (Judges 3:31). He rescued the Israelites from the Philistines with this ordinary oxgoad. Tonight, God is speaking, “What is in your hand? Are you waiting for something valuable?” Go forward with what is in your hand. Wherever the enemy is attacking against you, get your “oxgoad.” God will put special authority and power on the oxgoad. God is always looking for people like Stephen who are full of the Spirit and faith. Are you faithful with what you have in your hand? 

There is victory in your hand. No one starts with a PhD from their mother’s womb. We hear about the success of the great servants of God, like Reinhard Bonnke. They all started from below zero. Yet, they plundered the enemy to save millions of souls. Bonnke told his wife Annie that when he died, she should write on his tomb, “He [preached] Jesus.” We should also speak Jesus. When you face problems and when the enemy tries to attack, do not be afraid. Speak the word! Speak Jesus’ name. You don’t need any weapon if you speak His name. It is alive, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). 

Many families are flailing. Why? God has given them something in their hand, but they don’t know how to use it – for their wife or husband and the children. Even the children don’t know how to use it. They will never be happy with what they have. Some parents also are not satisfied with what they have. They are always thinking, “If I had, if I had…” They will never receive anything from the Lord that way. What you have in your hand – use it. 

Pastor Praveen expressed his pride in some of the young women at our church. They are using what they have to serve the Lord. There is a time for being still and a time to go forward. This is a time for going forward. David killed Goliath with a smooth stone. Wherever there is a smooth stone, the Cornerstone will help. The smooth stone will become greater and greater, brighter and brighter. Why? Because the stone is smooth. It is always in the streams of living water. Always in prayer, walking in Spirit, obeying God. 

Some stones will cut your finger and make you bleed. We don’t want those kinds of stones. We want smooth stones from the streams of living water.  God will use only smooth stones to do miracles and build His church. He will throw off the shapeless stones. 

If Shamgar the farmer can kill 600 Philistines and rescue Israel with an oxgoad, why don’t you rescue your community, your city, or yourself from the enemy’s plan. Many pastors keep waiting for more grace before going forward. God has already given them something when He called them. But they don’t know how to use it.

Put what He has given you to work. But don’t choose the wrong tools. Pastor Praveen recently heard some sad news. The Pastor of the Hillsong megachurch in California was fired. Why? Because he fell. He didn’t know how to use the weapon Jesus had given him. Many churches are dying like that because they are waiting for more grace instead of using what they have in their hand. Start with what is in your hand and God will make you spiritually prosperous and give you success in your family life and ministry. 

Start from Where You Are

Pastor Praveen touched on the story of Samson in Judges 15. Sampson’s own people tied him with two new ropes to turn him over to the Philistines. His people did not recognize him as a deliverer sent by God. That is the way of the world. But remember what you have in your hand and use it. Nobody can bind you or stand against you. God will give you authority to break the enemy’s chains. 

Pastor Praveen said Samson was not a large man. But when the Spirit of the Lord would come upon him, his hand would become stronger than steel. That is why when the lion jumped on him, he caught it and tore it like a young goat (Judges 14:5-6). It was by the power of the Lord, not by the power of Samson. Sampson was an ordinary man, but he didn’t care. He used what he had in his hand to tear the lion. Why don’t you do that when the enemy jumps on you, your family, your ministry. Catch the lion and tear it by the power of God. 

When Samson was tied with two new ropes, the Philistines came shouting, running towards him. Suddenly, the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon Samson. The ropes became like charred flax and dropped from his hands. He didn’t say, “Where is my sword or javelin.” He grabbed the fresh jawbone of a donkey. That was enough for Samson because he was filled with the Spirit and God gave him special power upon the jawbone. He struck the enemy one-by-one by the power of God. 

If God is with us, who can stand against us? Samson killed a thousand Philistines. He didn’t say, “If I had some strong people with me, I could fight them.” Or “If I had a sword, I could kill them.” He grabbed the fresh jawbone of a donkey. If Samson can do that with a jawbone, then what is in your hand? How much more can God use you and me?

God is speaking, “What is in your hand?” Are you waiting for confirmation or a big door to walk through? Or another level of anointing? Start from where you are now. Pastor Praveen started from below zero. God did not call you with an empty hand. Stop thinking about your problems. The miracle is in you. It is in your hand. Use it! This is not time to be still. God will divide the Red Sea from before your family, your children, our church. 

Stephen and Barnabas were faithful and God used them to bring many people to Jesus. The bible says that Barnabas was a “good man.” (Acts 11:24). It doesn’t say this about any of the Apostles. Barnabas was not famous, but he was a good man. You don’t need to be an Apostle or prophet. Just use what is in your hand. Get your stone and sling. Get your oxgoad. Get your staff. And move on. 

Pastor Praveen said he could see Moses at the Red Sea. Moses was saying, “What are you talking about? They are trying to kill me. You want me to tell Israel to move on toward the Red Sea?” Pastor Praveen said that God replied, “Oh my boy, you are making a mistake. Go forward! You are talking too much. Move on!” Don’t talk to God unnecessarily. If God tells you to move toward the Red Sea, then go. The one who created the Red Sea knows how to divide it. He created the heavens, earth, and sea. Whatever God asks you to do, do it. Don’t make any compromise. 

Pastor Praveen always puts God first, even before his family. If God is not in him, who will protect his family? Pastor Praveen will not make any compromise with his calling. He wants to go forward. Nothing can put him down or discourage him, because he knows that the One who called him is still speaking to him: “Believe me. I am Jesus.”

People may think you are good for nothing. They will say, “What are you doing? You are lower than grass.” Just agree with them. Still, as long as you are in the hands of God with an obedient heart, He can make you like a mountain. Say, “Yes, I am lower than grass. But God is going to make me and my children usable.” In this way, speak to the enemy in the name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is saying, “Why don’t you speak to the enemy?” Say, “My family, my children, my financial blessings belong to God. You cannot touch my life.” 

Concluding Remarks

We Need Discernment

We need the spirit of discernment. Sometimes the enemy may speak through our family, friends, or coworkers to discourage us. Don’t listen to them. Listen to the word of God. 

We also need the spirit of discernment to understand who we should associate with. Joshua had this discernment. When Moses met God on the mountain, Joshua never went back inside the camp. He sat at the bottom of the mountain waiting for Moses. He associated himself with Moses. That is why God told Moses that He would commission Joshua – because he had the spirit of leadership (Numbers 27:18-21). 

We cannot associate with just anybody. We need discernment to choose. Be careful. There are some people we should not associate with – people who look like they are believers but are not. They have their feet in two boats.

The Younger Generation

The Spirit of God will attract the next generation. They will see the miracles, signs, and wonders – the power of God. We do not need mega churches with flashing lights. Such things will only temporarily attract the youth. If they are attracted to the supernatural power of God, it will be permanent. We need this type of powerful manifestation to reach the next generation.

Use the Oil God Has Given You

Pastor Praveen shared a revelation from the Holy Spirit. He spoke about the widow who told Elisha that the creditors were going to take her two sons as slaves (2 Kings 4:1-7). She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t pay them. She asked Elisha for help. He asked her, “What do you have in your house?” She said, “Just a small jar of oil.” Elisha told her that was more than enough to protect her children. Are you afraid of the enemy? You are scared? You are holding a small jar of oil in your house. It is enough. He told her to collect empty vessels from the neighbors and pour out the oil. Likewise, use your small jar of oil for your neighbors. That will protect your children. 

The widow had troubles, but many neighbors had emptiness. She needed to pour out the oil. Many of you, like the widow, are crying. You don’t know how to save your family. God is asking the same question, “What is in your house?” When God called you, he gave you oil in your life – an anointing. Use it for your children, your generations, your neighbors. Pray for them. Pour out the Spirit upon them. Collect the empty vessels from your community, your city. And that which you have, pour out. A small quantity of anointing is enough to do tremendous miracles in the name of Jesus if you believe and trust in God. You can become successful and prosperous. 

The oil is in your house – in you. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Why is it a small quantity of oil? Because you are not using it. Use it! Pour into the empty vessels and the blessing will come back to your generations and save your children. 

God did tremendous things in Old Testament times. But now, in New Testament times, He is in us. We do not want to cry in front of the Red Sea, the Jordan, or Jericho. Just walk toward the Red Sea. The One who created us is in us. You don’t want to stretch yourself out on dead bodies like Elijah did (1 King 17:21). Just kneel down, like Peter did. The power of resurrection was in him. He used it. “Tabitha, get up!” – and she got up (Acts 9:40). People were healed by Peter’s shadow (Acts 5:15). Why? It was God’s power. The great healer was in him. 

It is such a privilege to be children of God, because the One who gave us the oil is in us. He is watching over us to see how we are using the quantity of oil he gave us. If you are using it, He will increase the oil. Pastor Praveen said that God was encouraging us. He loves everybody and wants to use everyone. Nobody is special. All are equal in the eyes of God. But if you are faithful with what He has given you, He will use you more. 


December 2020 Fasting and Prayer Message — Friday AM


November 2020 Fasting and Prayer Message — Saturday AM